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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New Release: ColorFade

Promised so long ago and finally tweaked enough to satisfy me... I present, ColorFade! 

With multiple options and attention to detail, this tattoo can be a simple and effective add on to make any look come together with an extra hint of color. Pile the tattoos for a darker fade or pick colors close to the skin tone for something barely noticeable.

Find it for yourself here:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New Release: Frill Tattoo

I'm always one in favor of tattoos that you can do multiple things with. That's why most of my tattoos are white with copy/mod options and in all clothing layers. AND (for most at least) at different levels. It means that you can tint them to any color you'd like, wear them with any outfit, and wear them with only part of the tattoo even if you'd prefer.

I mean, it's SL, who doesn't like having variety?

So here is my newest release to the marketplace with all of that variety... Frill.

Enjoy! And please consider leaving a review for any marketplace item you buy (from any vendor).

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Winter: Released!

If you haven't caught it yet, true to my word, I posted up my Winter Snowflake tattoo. Grab it quick! They are already disappearing more quickly than expected...



Monday, November 26, 2012

Preview: Winter Snow

Tis the season of giving, so I want to give something small and wintery to those of the community. Have a look:

A limited number will be posted later today or tomorrow. It will be free until all of them are gone, or Jan 1st, whichever comes first and after that, the price will go up. I might play around and tweak somethings or add to it after the initial freebie, but all updates will go out to buyers as well. Leave reviews, and I might be inclined to do something for the spring, with blooms of flowers.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Preview: Color Fades

I've been trying to get seams to disappear for the past two days, but I think I've finally got it close enough that I'm near ready. So, I present to you, color fades!

Put on a skin of choice, put on the white based color fading tattoo, go to edit, and tint to the preferred color. Toss on some scales or a skin tint set (or both, why not?) and you can create an even more unique color blend then before. There's no shading, so what it covers, it covers, but there will be a few different options included to help get the perfect results.

Should be on Marketplace by the end of the week. Watch for updates!

Friday, September 21, 2012


So I'd wanted to give something free for awhile, and when this was made I thought it was perfect. Why? Because while I normally try to create tattoos that work for RP purposes or just general fun, I also try to make sure they aren't like something else already out there. And especially not something at the price that I am offering. (You can find scale skins but scale tattoos? That's something different...) However, this is something that there's a variety of already and some are better and some are worse and some are free, some are cheap and some are costly. So because it's not nearly as a unique item I didn't think it to be worth charging.

Grab it here: and feel free to let me know what you think in comments (or review if good. ;) ) I -hope- to make something that builds on this, like trailing around arms or legs, and I do have the bark tattooing coming.

Come on readers! Let me know if there's some tattooing that you need for an av and can't find, or just some tattoo that you'd love to see made. I'm cheaper then a new skin. ;)

-Eve Gaelyth

Friday, September 14, 2012

A taste of things to come...

We all like a good dryad, right?...

... Well, some of us do at least.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fire Elemental


Okay, only a week or so later, I get my Fire Element Tattoo up and on the marketplace. Lookie:

As earlier stated, it was inspired by my Phoenix tattoo. Depending on mood and feed back, I'll look at doing other elements. Also poking at doing a dryad type tattoo with bark turning into skin or skin into bark, possibly leaves growing out of it and the rest based on a recent request from a friend. May also do a simple 'leaf outfit'. Hmm, a freebie for once? We'll see...

Friday, August 31, 2012


As of this post, no, my Fire Element hasn't gone live. That is because I thought people might like more then just a tattoo layer and I almost fell asleep at the computer the other night. ;)

But I haven't completely without follow through. I had mentioned previously that I was considering doing other elements. A quick change (or not so quick) and I have some demo type ideas for people to look at. While the tattoo is the same as the Fire, I would likely change it at least in a few places for other elements to give a tattooing that is more to that elements nature or idea. This is mostly to give an idea of a possible and how it might look. Personally, I think it's kinda cool...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Releases!

Set to the Marketplace today was 'Fire Bird'. This a a slightly modified version of 'Phoenix', with the bird on the back moved from the shoulder to the center. This updated version does not include any variety in style beyond fire (Phoenix ver 1 has white and black varieties as well as fire) but as all my tattoos do, it comes in three levels and multiple clothing layers to help get the perfect look.
Fire Bird (Phoenix Version 2)

Fire Bird (Phoenix ver. 2):

Phoenix Tribal Tattoo:

The Original Phoenix
 In addition to this, I have put the face and leg tattoo found in the Fire Bird set on for separate sale for any that would like to add on to the original Phoenix tattoo.

Add On Set #1:

 Why yes, that is a 'Set #1' which implies a 'Set #2'. Which, in fact, is the third new release for today. This set does not include anything within the other sets (Fire Bird or Phoenix) and has additional tattooing to further dress up and works with either of the tattoo sets.

Add On Set #2:

 But Wait! There's More! Because I can't stop there, today or tomorrow I will post my 'Fire Elemental' set. While some of the tattoos can be found within the other sets, the Fire Elemental set is meant to stand on its own. Some pieces will blend with the Fire Bird or Phoenix set, while other pieces will not.

Fire Elemental: (Will link once posted)

Now, here's a thought for you... If you like the Fire Elemental set, how would you like to see it in other colors? Once I've done some test photos, I'll go ahead and post so you can see what I might mean. Each would gain it's own personal 'symbol' and color palette, and depending on demand I -might- work on complete different versions done in the same style but for other elements. If I were to do so, what elements would people like to see most? Or what color schemes? Heck, does anyone even like what's done so far? Go ahead and leave a comment (thought I reserve the right to delete ;) ) and let me know what you think or would like to see.