Once again, :[Even~Tide]: is present in this unique event that raises money for Relay For Life. All around the many sims, creators from across the grid have set up the RFL Vendors with Fantasy Faire items that will only be found during the event. Auction items are up, unique and special, Jail and Bail events will be occurring, as well as a special hunt, with the prizes being from many of the faire merchants. And all of the funds from the hunt, silent auction, jail and bail, special limited vendors... All for to Relay For Life. Want to know more? Check out the Fantasy Faire Website. Or better yet, just drop in and say hi! Explore! Share pictures! ( :[Even~Tide]: at Fantasy Faire )
So, what is :[Even~Tide]: offering for this special event?
I know I haven't released a lot lately, but special and new and shiny (literally) for this event... I have updated all Dragon Scales, Mer Scales, Mer Revealed, Reveal Dragon, and Gradient Mer Scales... Not is it just appliers for Slink (hands, feet, and physique), TMP, and Omega (more on those later), with the traditional system tattoo layers, but Slink and Omega have MATERIALS~!
If you do not know what that means, it's basically a case that when you have graphics higher and click the right box, around actual light sources, things with materials will reflect that light and behave more like things would in real world. In the case of my scales... This means they SHINE. So you can have truly shiny scales, or turn the materials off and have normal ones. TMP and system layers don't support this, but Slink (the new as of end of February versions) and some Omega products do! Come in world and find me at the shop do be able to get a good look.
And, because shiny is fun...
My two Fantasy Faire items this year (and previous offerings) also have materials. Gold tiger stripes, and two purple dragon scales (light and dark).
My silent auction item is a special release, never to be sold in store, and includes one set for the self and two 'friend' sets that can be kept or given away. It includes Rainbow Dragon Scales (with Materials) and Rainbow Tiger Stripes (also with Materials). Slink, TMP, Omega and System layers included. And, just for self, one full perm seamless texture of the dragon scales for personal use to help create as special, one of a kind avatar.
My hunt item also includes all the mentioned appliers, and is Opal Tiger Stripes (with materials).
Any questions? Feel free to drop me a message and I'll answer as quickly as I can.
Enjoy the faire! And all the wonderful delights...
~Eve Gaelyth
PS - Omega! If you have a mesh body look at this list to see if it can take Omega appliers. http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.com/p/supported-meshes.html if it can, go to the inworld store, join the group and get the kit for 1-3L. Directions for your specific body can be found by clicking on it on the supported meshes page. Go through the website for better understanding. It's basically, 'you can use appliers for your specific mesh AND omega appliers'. Enjoy!