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Saturday, November 23, 2013

New Release: Bark & Stripes

I did spots, and now.. Stripes! Again, a mildly quick one, though not as quick as the quick spots. I had done a search for stripe tattoos and found the selection to amazingly lacking. A variety of skins with the tattoos, but the stripes themselves seemed to be a far more scarce resource than I had expected. But, not to steal from everyone else, the stripes have the difficulty of the seams (though I may make another version that does not have this problem... let me know if you're interested..) but also 'fade' from the center, where they are darkest, and to the sides, where they are faintest. Much of the head does not have striping under the assumption that many will wear hair to cover that part of the tattoo.

When have I ever been someone to hide the truth?

And, in a similar way, I have a bark tattoo, with a possible variation to come in the future. Again, I found the selection of tattoos (and even skins) with bark to be limited, though many were very well done. So, to offer another choice for those that may choose to play druids or nature spirits or such and need bark to add to the skin of the avatar, I've also made a bark skin tattoo.

As always, feel free to drop me ideas, requests, or if you have an alteration that you need, let me know. I can also supply information on where many of my skins came from.


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