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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

For those in the Untied States, today is meant to be a day of being thankful for all that we have. It is also a day of enjoying food, friends and family, and general good cheer.

In the spirit of this, and all the shopping being done around the grid, Now through Sunday, I will give gift cards to any person who joins my subscriber group. The gift card will be good for one tattoo of your choice (no rainbow packs) and can be used now or anytime in the future, as long as you are a member of the subscriber group. It can only be used once. To use it, you will simply need to send it back to me, Eve Gaelyth, then either IM or NC to me what tattoo you would like, the color (if applicable) and your avatar/sl name (not the display name). Simple enough, right?

As always, if you have any ideas or requests for tattoos that you would like seen made to help build a specific type of avatar, feel free to let me know. I am currently working on magma and ice tattoos, with a few others in the works. If you would like to be kept up on previews as tattoos are made and designed, follow me on Flickr, as previews and works in progress are often posted there. 

So swing by and slap the subscriber. I've changed the welcome gift to the gift card and you can click the subscriber to view history and pick up the welcome gift of the henna chest tattoo. 

Enjoy the weekend!

-Eve Gaelyth

PS, I'm also lowering prices on many in world products, so it would be a good time to drop by if there's something you've been waiting to get...

Saturday, November 23, 2013

New Release: Bark & Stripes

I did spots, and now.. Stripes! Again, a mildly quick one, though not as quick as the quick spots. I had done a search for stripe tattoos and found the selection to amazingly lacking. A variety of skins with the tattoos, but the stripes themselves seemed to be a far more scarce resource than I had expected. But, not to steal from everyone else, the stripes have the difficulty of the seams (though I may make another version that does not have this problem... let me know if you're interested..) but also 'fade' from the center, where they are darkest, and to the sides, where they are faintest. Much of the head does not have striping under the assumption that many will wear hair to cover that part of the tattoo.

When have I ever been someone to hide the truth?

And, in a similar way, I have a bark tattoo, with a possible variation to come in the future. Again, I found the selection of tattoos (and even skins) with bark to be limited, though many were very well done. So, to offer another choice for those that may choose to play druids or nature spirits or such and need bark to add to the skin of the avatar, I've also made a bark skin tattoo.

As always, feel free to drop me ideas, requests, or if you have an alteration that you need, let me know. I can also supply information on where many of my skins came from.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Group Gift and Subscriber...

Well, I did it. I added a subscriber to my in world shop. Simply hop over, tag the banner for the subscriber and *poof* it's done. The welcome/group gift will be sent to you. What is the group gift? Well, sadly, it is something that while the gentlemen can wear it, I think will appeal mostly to the women. Applier for Lola Tango is included. Hopefully I will start to have monthly group gifts going out in it, something for the men and women, and will be able to notify folks through it of items added to marketplace and shop. I also have some full perm mesh items that will likely be making their way to the walls, though, who are we kidding? I will always be a fantasy RP tattoo creator first.

Have fun folks.

Monday, October 28, 2013

New Release: Monochrome Dragon Scales

I've seen a few requests, so I finally took the time and went ahead and did it. Now I have more than simple 'grey' for those dragon scale lovers, I have the 'monochrome set'. Black, BlackWhite (which is the black with more white, basically) and White.

White scales on 'Storm' skin from Aeva.
Black scales on 'Abyss' skin from Aeva.
BlackWhite scales on 'Abyss' skin from Aeva.

I also added a skin hider for the lower part of the body to be the companion to the nipple hiders already in the store. 

Any other requests? Anything you want for Christmas giftie?


Friday, October 25, 2013

New Releases: Spots, Spots and Veins... o.O

Those who know me, know I don't like seams. But I also know, there are times when it really doesn't matter, and sometimes the lack of a seam shows more than a seam would. That said, in playing with a different type of spot today, I decide to make a quick version of it for any who wanted. I'll have it free from now through Halloween. And yes, it does have Lola Tango Applier in it.

Just one version. Copy/Mod for tinting pleasure.

Then, as mentioned previously, I have another new spot (yes, tango applier included) that was made to avoid that seam. And is a different style of spot.
Two intensities. Copy/Mod for tinting pleasure.

 And last but not least, Stone Veins. Three versions. The strong vein, the small vein, and both together. Face and no face tattoos included. And again, yes, Lola appliers.
Three Versions. Copy/Mod for tinting and mixing pleasure.

All items will be up on the marketplace shortly, so check them out! 

Also, as always, if you buy a tattoo and need something in a clothing layer, drop me an IM in world. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Release: Spots!

On the Marketplace there are already a wide number of spotted tattoos and skins. But when I started to make tattoos it was in the interest of providing tattoos to the RP community so that anyone could build an avatar that they loved without having to drop 5K in L to do so. In the interest of that, I took a look around at the spotted tattoos and found two things. One, most were not in tattoo, but in skins. And Two, almost all the spots were a set color, meaning that if you wanted something more toned to your personal skin choice, it was harder to get what you wanted.

So, in keeping with my mission of providing a variety of tattoos that can be used to build your custom av, I have created a spotted tattoo, tintable, and also made the matching Lola Tango appliers for it. The first version of this is the 'Full' spots, with another version with fewer spots to come shortly (hopefully). It comes in dark and light (so strong and faded) to help you get the perfect look that you want. While it does not have the 'cut' lines for the seams, there is sadly a gap where the seams are. For that reason, the price will be a bit lower than normal. But for the first few lucky buyers, the price will be zero.

Yes. Zero.

Either come in world and grab it before I price, or watch on my marketplace shop for it to magically appear. ( Look for the box on the window sill )


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Update: Mesh Appliers!

I've started to get questions and requests for the appliers for mesh breasts. I know there are a few varieties out there, so please, contact me if you'd like an applier and we'll see what we can do for you. At present, many thanks to a friend, I have the appliers for the Lola Tangos that seem to be most popular.

(Earlier section deleted. See update please!)


If you are curious what I have as Works In Progress... Mostly things are on hold as I tend to RL work. But I do have some tintable spots for those spot lovers and am working on some crystal/stone tattoos as well that do not have the seams. As always, if there are specific requests, I am open to hearing ideas.

UPDATES (Part 2): I have appliers ready to go for Mer Scales, Dragon Scales, Colorfade and Reptile Scales. At present you can get these at the in world store ( ). Shortly I will get them placed onto the marketplace for easier finding ( ).

Also, some recent feedback says that there is a want for stripes and spots with the appliers, so that will be the next task. A post will be made once those are available.

I'll try to add something pretty later.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Love Donna Flora! Benefit

I said previously that I was participating in this event and linked the main blog that talks about it. A Flickr has also been added with images from the different vendors and what they are selling. With over 90 or however many vendors present, and with seeing the booths along the path, be assured, this is a rather impressive fair. For my own part, I have updated one of my tattoo sets and built another tattoo set that compliments it. I also made a quick and little We Can Do It calf tattoo to help support the fundraising, and for the heck of it, made a quick little outfit. All the ad images below, as well as links to different information. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


I don't have very much in terms of L that I can offer to support causes or sims or people or such within SL. But I am a  creator, and I do like to help. For that reason, when it became known to me that another secondlife creator was in need of funding for cancer treatment, I was willing to investigate. And after my investigation, I offered to join in.

So, later this month, I will be joining a number of other creators in the Love Donna Flora event. You can find out more here:

Because I want to have content special to the event, at least for the length of it, I looked to the shop as a way of gaining inspiration, then went over some other ideas I've had in the past. And... ha ha ha... oh yes.

For the event I will have my new Lace Tattoo series. They will be able to be worn on their own or matched with some elements from my ColorFade series. I will also probably have a few others ready to go, but that will depend on RL work. Check out my flickr for further previews, though a teaser is below...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

New Release: Stone Skin Tattoos

I'll admit, they are a kind of quick and dirty version of what I normally make, but the seams were so minor, I like the look far better than the seamless ones I was trying to master. So while seamless may come at another time, for now, I'm letting the entire pack of 11 tattoos go for 55L... that's 5L each.

First is without, the rest are variations of the stone tattoo.

As is often the case, tattoos are copy/mod/no trans and made white so that they can be tinted to your preference. They are also pretty light, so you might double up... either with the same type of tattoo, or two different ones for a custom look. Just put over any skin you like, and add some extra texture.

Let me know what you think! Also willing to adjust and take special requests (darker, single stone skin, ect).


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Gatcha! New!

Gatcha fan? Hello Kitty fan? Either way, I have something new. A Hello Kitty Gatcha! It's 10L per play, tattoo only. I'll include a NC on the side explaining this, but for readers, if you get a collection that you would like put all together into one tattoo... Simply IM me. I will want you to send me the tattoos that you want put together into one tattoo, then I'll send you the tattoo as a copy/mod/no trans in tattoo, undershirt and shirt layers (unless you state otherwise). Now, when I say Rare? I mean... Rare.... as in, it will take a lot to get it. Uncommon is easier, but still not something that comes up all the time.

But I'm not completely heartless... I will trade you. Three uncommons for one rare; three commons for one uncommon; nine commons for one rare. AND they can be the same one. If you want something of the same group, then it is two. So, two commons to swap for one common; two uncommons for a different uncommon.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Scales: Comparison...

I like comparing things. And in this case, I think the pictures will speak clearly enough on their own.

All depends on what you need and are looking for, right?


Instead of making a new post, I'm going to add this here. Take a look at the Brown Dragon Scales on a variety of 'natural' colored skins...


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

For Aeva Heartsick Benefit Fair...

For the past bit I've been amazingly excited as I get ready for this fair. Partly it's being part of the fair, partly it's helping a wonderful creator, and partly it's being able to FINALLY release my Dragon Scales tattoo. So come on down and grab your own set, or use the gatcha to try and get something random (and when I say rare? I mean... rare...). Location:

My stall at the benefit! Yay!
When the event came up, I excitedly mentioned it to a good friend of mine. She was so excited as well, that she also jumped into creation and made a set of shapes. There are four ages for female, and four ages for male. She features skins from Aeva (where she can) as well as some of the Dragon Scales. And she asked to be right next to me. That's friendship for ya...

Right next door, one of my good friends.
As an amazing surprise and bonus in my opinion, Amesha also released new skins for the event. But not only are there new skins... Ten of the new skins are in fantasy colors. And the yellow and orange? Amazing with my gold scales. The purple? Couldn't be better. And here's the best part (at least for the lady avs...) four cleavage options... 100L. They also include appliers for mesh breasts and some other bits and pieces. Not to mention her other new amazing skins.

100L for a fantasy skin of Awesome. Win.

Excited yet? Swing by. And if I'm there, feel free to give a shout out! I'm also up for demoing any of the scales or other tattoos I have in person, so just let me know. I'm excited to see everyone there, and sorry if I miss ya.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Update, Gatcha, Previews...

You ever have those moments that you almost hit yourself int he forehead going 'why did I not realize this before?!' and feel like a real idiot?

Yeah, I had one of those today.

My L account this week has been running really low, so I haven't been able to purchase the last skins I wanted to be able to match scales to them before the Heartsick event. (Long story short, see past links, the event is bumped to the start of May, details : ) And as I want to have as much done and ready for the event and the amazing release of my Dragon Scales series, I was starting to be a hint panicked.

I was pondering the chances of getting something from Aeva for matching purposes when my forehead hitting moment came. She has demos. D'oh! So! While I may not have the full skins to prove how wonderfully they all blend and all, I do have the demos and will show you, here, how perfectly made for her color schemes they are (though they will work with a variety, I assure you).

Now, on another note...

I won't be releasing the full dragon scales set until the benefit. I also know I don't have a lot of people that follow this blog regularly. So I'm opening up a small pre-release treat. Gatcha.

Full Dragon Scale sets will be copy/mod/no trans, include all clothing layers and in the future, I may even build 'kits' that people can purchase to assist in creating a dragon av (namely, horns color matched and a full perm texture of the scales for tails. Wings too, if I get ambitious or someone wants to sponsor just such a project...) The Gatcha is JUST a tattoo, no copy/mod/trans... so that in true Gatcha fashion you can swap as you like with others, gift to friends and try for that uncommon or rare. Also, the rainbow? Likely to only be in the Gatcha, unless I have a high request for it (::snort::).

So there ya go, full preview of the dragon scale line and how they match to skins (with an exception for the gold that was a special request), info on the gatcha, and update on the benefit.

Oh, you'll need a LM... Here, have a limo. (deleted) ... Have this limo to the benefit instead.. gatcha is there!  As the benefit is now over, you can find my gatcha in world here:


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Release: Reptile Scales

So in my previous post I showed the Dragon Scales I will have for 'Just Heartsick', the benefit that will be held this month for Amesha Jewell of Heartsick skins. Once that benefit starts up, I'll snap some photos of the images for sale and post a LM so that anyone who wants can come and take a look. If you are a designer and would like to offer something, ping me, I'll get you the NC.

But... prior to all that, was the preview of my Reptile Scales. Today, I was bored. And I realized that while I normally erase and hate seams on skins like the plague, this time, they don't show up as much. So, I decided that I would do the tattoo with the seams and complete effect. Copy/Mod and done in white, per norm, so that you can color tint to the skin they are used on. These I think will be included in my Dragon Scales Tattoo for 'Just Heartsick' cause I can. for now, here's a preview.

Oh, and until the event, or first 100 buyers, it's free.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Preview: Dragon Scales

For some people, they create content on SL as a hobby. Others make things because they aren't out there. Some make them for casual income, others to support SL habits and some for RL income.

Amesha Jewell of Heartsick ( ) is one of the last. There's a number of content creators within SL that I like to support. Mostly it is those that are kind and generous and thankful to their customers. They are also those that tend to give a lot for paying a lot. Amesha is one of those creators.

When a group notice and quite plea went out to the members of the Heartsick group because of the dying computer and need to get a new one, I could relate to the story. At first, I was going to make a set of tattoos dedicated to her skins in the hopes of generating some income for her to help out. Then, the skins I had intended to base this around were removed...

... I wasn't sure how I wanted to move forward then. I still knew the tattoo I wanted to make. I still knew that what you got for buying the fantasy skins was well worth the price. I also knew I didn't have the L to buy all the fantasy skins that were available. It was a minor impasse.

It was then late last night that chat for the group opened up with another SLer asking about designers. An SLer that was working with Amesha and had decided to help by putting together a fundraiser. And so, a solution presented itself.

I will be one of however many designers end up in this benefit. We are being asked to have one item that will be put up for 100L. The hope is that with enough sales and proceeds from the event, this content creator will be able to continue creating, gifting content, and be able to make a RL income from SL.

More information about the event will be posted as it comes up, and likely a post with images of all the items being offered. (Fingers crossed...)

So, to give a taste of what I myself will be offering up... I present, Dragon Scales.

Deity Skin: Ocean & Ciel with 'Dragon Blue Scales'

Deity Skin: Storm &Abyss with 'Dragon Grey Scales'

Mythos & Myth with 'Dragon Purple Scales'

Each set is colored to the skin shown, and will work best with those colors. Placing on a natural colored skin will show the color of the scales more prominently. Unisex. Clothing layers will also be included.  Other color requests will be taken, and plans for red and green are already slated. Also will be considering selling 'Dragon Building Kits' that will include scale tattoos, seamless scale texture, tail, horns and spikes if an interest becomes known.

So feel free to become a follower and keep up on the details and new releases!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Preview: Reptile Scales

When a friend asked me why I hadn't finished a previously mentioned thought of dragon/reptile scales, I had no good answer beyond 'I just haven't'. This, of course, prompted me to sit down and start work on it. As always the tattoo itself is white and will come with copy/mod permissions so that you can tint it to any color your wish to match the skin that you are wearing. And, as always, I do take special requests and input. Take a look at what is to come! (XYR free fantasy skins used for the girls once again. Guys are varying locations. Tattoos were the same preset colors.)